Purificatori attivi
con tecnologia refineair

For sanitizing environments
from 10 to 120m3

For sanitizing environments
from 10 to 120m3

For sanitizing environments
from 300 to 1.200 m3

For sanitizing environments
from 120 to 200 m3

For sanitizing
automotive field

Sanitizers for lift

Sensore qualità dell'aria

Heat Recovery Unit NEW

Monitoring and predictive maintenance

Per la sanificazione di ambienti fino a 10 m3
- Photo4All
- Photoionix
- Inox
- Home
- Lift
- Reffrescamento Evaporativo
- Air Quality Sensors
- MiniCube
- Photo4CTB
- IoT
- In-Duct
The photocatalytic technology used for active purification releases OH hydroxyl radicals and H2O2 hydrogen peroxide, which can decompose pathogens normally present in the environment, such as viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, VOCs, PM 2.5 and PM10. For SMALL and MEDIUM devices, an antibacterial filter covered with titanium dioxide is provided in the air intake to retain solid particulate matter, which is broken down through the combined action of TiO2 and high-intensity UV LEDs. For LARGE devices, there is an activated carbon filter and a stainless steel filter capable of retaining odors and grease.
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One Photocatalyst | M I: One Photocatalyst M II: Two Photocatalysts |
The photocatalytic technology used for active purification releases OH hydroxyl radicals and H2O2 hydrogen peroxide, which can decompose pathogens normally present in the environment, such as viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, VOCs, PM 2.5 and PM10. For SMALL and MEDIUM devices, an antibacterial filter covered with titanium dioxide is provided in the air intake to retain solid particulate matter, which is broken down through the combined action of TiO2 and high-intensity UV LEDs. For LARGE devices, there is an activated carbon filter and a stainless steel filter capable of retaining odors and grease.
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One Photocatalyst + Bipolar Ionization | M I: One Photocatalyst + Bipolar Ionization M II: Two Photocatalyst + Bipolar Ionization | L I: One Photocatalyst + Bipolar Ionization L II: Two Photocatalyst + Bipolar Ionization |
The photocatalytic technology used for active purification, releases OH hydroxyl radicals and H2O2 hydrogen peroxide, which can decompose pathogens normally present in the environment, such as viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, VOCs, PM 2.5 and PM10.For Little Camp, an antibacterial filter covered with titanium dioxide is provided in the air intake to retain solid particulate matter, which is broken down through the combined action of TiO2 and high-intensity UV LEDs.
For the Vision, there is an active carbon filter and a stainless steel filter that can retain odors and grease.
Soluzione a vista | Soluzione da incasso |
Little Camp Basic (PCO Technology) Little Camp Plus(PCO Technology + Bipolar Ionization) | Little Camp Basic (PCO Technology) Little Camp Plus(PCO Technology + Bipolar Ionization) |
Vision |
RA.V I - RA.V II (PCO Technology + bipolar ionization) |
HOME, produced by Air Bee, was born from the idea of improving air quality through an innovative, safe and ecological technology. The active sanitization is obtained by reproducing the process of photocatalysis present in nature with the use of a pentametric catalyst and a high-intensity UV lamp, There is also a washable filter covered with titanium dioxide and a HEPA filter H13 effective against fine particulate. The synergy of active and passive filtration of Home allows the removal of viruses, bacteria, mold, yeasts, volatile organic compounds "VOC" (formaldehyde, benzene, alcohol, ammonia) and particulate matter, present in environments and on surfaces.
- Design made in Italy, elegant and linear, with elements in FSC certified wood and a central casing in metal with eco-friendly epoxy paint
- HePA H13 filter captures PM2 5 - PM 10 dust
Patented antibacterial filter coated with titanium dioxide washable for neutralizing particulate matter.
- Electronic board with probes tested by Enea laboratories for the detection of air quality, temperature, humidity, PM2.5, PM10 and VOC in the environment.
The Little Camp lift and Photo4All lift sanitizers are electronic devices that continuously sanitize confined spaces. Using DUST FREE TM photocatalytic technology, they release hydroxyl ions capable of sanitizing air and surfaces, decomposing harmful substances normally present in environments, neutralizing unpleasant odors and reducing viruses, bacteria, mold, yeast, formaldehyde, VOC, PM 2.5 and PM 10.
When the device is turned on, an indoor air recirculation system is activated, through which the air flow passing through the device comes out enriched with H2O2 decomposing all the pollutants present in the environment thus sanitizing the air and by fall also the surfaces. In the Photo4All lift device there are UV LEDs that break down the total solid particulate matter deposited on the titanium dioxide filter.
Little Camp Lift: installed outside the cabin, at the top of the elevator shaft;
We recommend 1 mt of flexible hose for supply and return.
Photo4all lift: installed inside the cabin.
RefineAir è di recente diventata concessionaria unica per la Campania, delle tecnologie per il raffrescamento evaporativo superefficiente, targate Cleverclima e Oxycom.
Una nuova tecnologia in grado di produrre aria salubre e sostenibile, priva di pericolosi sbalzi termici, e che consente una riduzione dei consumi relativi al raffrescamento fino al 90% in meno.
Le macchine dotate di questa tecnologia possono sia essere installate ex-novo, sia andare ad integrare o sostituire le tecnologie di raffrescamento tradizionale già presenti.
Intrcooll Oxycom | |
Comfort microclimatico con consumi estremamente contenuti |
Air Quality Sensors
Air quality monitoring is necessary inside enclosed environments with high crowding density ( schools, businesses, gyms, etc.), where air exchange is practiced with only the opening of windows..
To help prevent the proliferation of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, etc.) spread due to the breathing of people occupying that environment, the sensors are equipped with LED indicators that can give visual feedback indicating when it is necessary to ventilate the premises.
In addition, it is possible to connect the device to a VMC or an automation system that allows air exchange through the relay.
Sense EVO | |
Monitora temperatura, umidità, CO2, PM 1, PM 2.5, PM 10 e VOC in ambiente |
La fotocatalisi utilizzata per la purificazione attiva, libera radicali ossidrili OH e H2O2, in grado di decomporre gli agenti patogeni normalmente presenti in ambiente, quali virus, batteri, muffe, lieviti, VOC, PM 2.5 e PM 10, ed è potenziata, in questo modello, dalla ionizzazione bipolare.
Grazie a RefineAir, puoi ora godere della stessa tecnologia in un formato portatile e alimentato a batteria, creando una bolla di purificazione attiva ovunque tu vada: a casa, nel frigo per migliorare la conservazione dei tuoi prodotti (stop allo spreco alimentare), in ufficio, in albergo, in palestra, al ristorante.
É anche possibile attivare PhotoionixMiniCube in auto, treno, camion, aereo, aliscafo, autobus e in qualsiasi altro mezzo di trasporto.
Per ricaricarlo, basta collegarlo, tramite il cavetto usb in dotazione, al pc, ad un powerbank o ad un trasformatore che abbia 5 Volt come output.
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Photo4CTB è destinato al settore automotive e nautico, sia pubblico che privato. É corredato di Power inverter per la trasformazione della corrente da 5-12V o 24-30V a 230V
Photo4CTB uses PCO technology (photochemical reaction that generates hydrogen peroxide molecules that can destroy pollutants in the air and on surfaces) A filter placed on the air intake, coated with titanium dioxide, traps solid particulate matter, which is broken down through the combined action of TiO2 and high-intensity UV-C LEDs. Photo4CTB can, therefore, sanitize air and surfaces in the presence of people, decomposing harmful substances normally present in rooms and neutralizing unpleasant odors.It reduces: viruses, bacteria, mold, yeasts, VOCs, PM2.5 and PM10.
IoT Technology
Remote Debugger is an electronic device that, when connected to RefineAir active purifiers, enables optimization of maintenance operations, remote supervision of active purification systems, and access to preventive and predictive maintenance.
With RefineAir's Remote Debugger, data acquisition is continuous, and through interaction with the RefineAir Management web-application, the end user and/or maintainer can manage maintenance in a predictive way, without waiting for breakdowns.
Instant-by-instant knowledge of the operating conditions of the devices enables repair and replacement of consumables (filter and UV-C lamp), without affecting the continuity of active purification treatment of environments.
In addition, predictive maintenance enables the lowering of intervention and repair costs. Monitoring with the web application (RefineAir Management) enhances traditional alarm functions by sending advance alerts via e-mail.
In order to optimize security and make the exchange of data sent to RefineAir Management compatible, the use of RefineAir-branded routers is recommended.
Grazie a Remote Debugger è possibile usufruire del credito di imposta previsto per la Transizione 4.0
Duct Solutions
The PCO Dust Free™ technology of the channel modules exploits the combined action of the rays of a special UV lamp with a catalyst structure made up of a metal alloy with a honeycomb matrix, mainly composed of TiO2 (titanium dioxide) and 3 other noble metals to a lesser extent.
The modules, invested by the air flow, give rise to a photocatalytic reaction capable of producing hydroxyl radicals (-OH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in minute quantities - not exceeding 0.02 PPM. H2O2 and -OH make it possible to sanitize both the airflow and the surfaces of air ducts due to their high effectiveness in decomposing pathogens.
Effective against bacteria, viruses, mold, allergens, odors, organic and volatile compounds.
- Into VMC Systems
- Into Air-duct
THERMODYNAMIC AIR RENEW UNIT For indoor up to 460 m3 | THERMODYNAMIC AIR RENEW UNIT For indoor up to 460 m3 | PASSIVE AIR RENEW UNIT For indoor up to 460 m3 |
Heat recovery unit H Active | Heat recovery unit V Active | Heat recovery unit H Passive |